Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bathroom conversations

Conversation with T in public restroom.

Me: (in stall)

T: (washing his hands) Mom, what is this??

Me: I'm not sure T, what is it?

T: It says T.A.M.P.O.N.

Me: Oh T, I'll explain that later. Maybe when you get a little older.

T: (answer not sufficient, now sounding it out on his own) Does it say Taaaammmmpppoooooonnnnnnn? What does that mean Mom??

Me: T we don't need to talk about it right now. I'll explain it later. (I sure hope he forgets this conversation and we don't have to talk about tampons quite yet!!)

T: Mom, do you smoke it? It looks like it's something you smoke.

Me: Yeah, it's something like that. (Note to self: the picture on a tampon dispenser looks like a cigarette, thank goodness for simple pictures).

My poor child. Some things do not need to be talked about when you are 5 years old!!


  1. That is HILARIOUS! Extra funny 'cause my code word for tampons has always been cigars. Love it.

  2. I am busting up! That is soooo funny! The conversations in public bathrooms (with kids) are the best. I had one just the other day with Liam that still has me laughing.
