Sunday, April 19, 2009

Growing Pains

We just got back from an amazing vacation to Hawaii. I had a great conversation with T yesterday while on the beach. It went something like this.

T: Mom, look (points to chest area). My Nibbles they are sticking out.

Me: (laughing hysterically, almost peeing in the ocean) Your nibbles??? You mean your nipples??

T: Yeah, my nipples.

Me: (lifting up T's swim shirt) Oh, it looks like you are getting rubbed raw from your swim shirt. Lets take your shirt off and then it wont rub your chest.

T: (shirt is off and examining his "nibbles", the area is slightly inflamed and raised from being rubbed raw) Mom, it's alright I think I'm just having growing pains.

Me: (containing laughter) Growing pains??? What do you mean??

T: See how its sticking out. I think I'm starting to grow right here so it hurts!!

Note to self: teach son that boys nibbles don't grow.


  1. Memories to keep for always. Glad you wrote this down for the rest of us to enjoy. I doubt anyone has made that kind of memory on the beach before.

    BTW, I am jealous of your warm trip!

  2. That's too funny! Sounds like a great trip!

  3. I'm laughing so hard I think I might pee my pants!
