Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dirty little secrets

I guess if you want to get technical, its really not dirty. All the clothes piled up on Teds side of the bed are clean, really, they are. I just need someone to come fold them up and put them away. Do I have any takers???

Ted has been out of town and my older brother has been in town. There is no time for silly little things like folding clothes, at least we have clean socks. The dirty clothes hamper is empty, does that count for something???


  1. Sounds like you need a couple visitors. I'd be happy to fold laundry while we chat. I am out of work since Monday... so let's get together.

  2. I say an empty hamper counts for a lot! I don't think I've seen the bottom of my hamper in like..oh, ever. I always fold the clothes right when they come out of the dryer, but then they sit in the basket(s) for ages just waiting to be put up. So much so that one time I found out my oldest had worn the same underwear for 3 days straight because there was none in his drawer. Sick!

  3. Gina-what do you mean out of work?? On vacation or no job? I just folded and put away today with help from the kiddos

    Swampbaby-I laughed my head off about the underwear. I'm going to work on folding them right away. I go through cycles and if Ted is gone I'm usually not so good about it.
