Monday, July 27, 2009

Nevada we love you!

We are officially back from our Nevada trip. We had a great time doing desert things. Just before we left Paige was playing with a friend and the parent asked "what do you do in Nevada?". I could not believe how she answered, "Nothing". Well, I guess here is a big bunch of nothing.....

Swimming at the spring(same place I went growing up),

Perfected the art of catching poly wogs,

Enjoyed the amazing Nevada sunsets,

Shot at cans with a bb gun,

Caught horny toads the size of quarters,

Caught big, huge horny toads,

Played on the rope swings and trampoline for hours,

Fed the cows squash and castrated a bull,

Did I mention we did A.L.O.T of swimming??!!

We pulled out the sweetest of wallpapers at Grandmas house. If you are feeling like you would like to wallpaper your dining room with some of this just let me know. I will bring the sweetness to your house, free of charge.

I thought Nevada was great. I failed to mention all the star-gazing at night and the dodging of bats at dusk. Really what I'm trying to say here, if you are interested in doing a bunch of "nothing" then come join us next time.


  1. Your pictures bring a flood of nostalgia. Remember all the fun times we had swimming at Crystal Springs? I'm glad you could share a piece of your childhood with your kids!

  2. Isn't that the same swimming hole you took us to back in college? You should have took them on a tour of the post office in that lady's garage...:-) Good times!
