Monday, May 10, 2010

Fun Run

Saturday, we did a mile fun run. I didn't realize what a great experience it would be to have the kids train for something and then go out and accomplish it. From start to finish, I loved the experience, even when I heard complaints.

I look back at my own childhood, my parents would make us go running and hiking. One summer my mom even bought a book with "military workouts" in it. We would wake up bright and early and do all sorts of crazy exercises. At the time, I thought it was ridiculous, annoying, useless. I'm sure I voiced my pre-teen opinion on the matter, more than once. Nonetheless, my parents instilled in us the love of being active. Now, I love being outdoors and running is a major stress reliever for me.

I think the best part was to see the kids' sense of accomplishment after every run. Without fail, one of the nameless children would be disgruntled e.v.e.r.y single run. By the time we finished, it didn't matter anymore because the runner's high had taken over!! There are a lot of people who don't "love" to run but I don't care who you are, you "love" the runner's high after you're done!!

The last week of "training" Mr C was focused on his pace and winning his age category!! It was great. The only downer, the race sponsors didn't have winners for the fun run, disappointing.
There is nothing better for your self-esteem than to work hard for something and then accomplish it. I think all three children are ready for the next race!!

Mr T was the only one I caught crossing the finish line. The other two sprinted off
and left me in the dust!!!

I finally caught up to the sprinters.
Here we are, sweat and all!!


  1. Way to go guys. I'll come run with you next time. There's still a trot or two left in the old lady.

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun!. Hey, you'd be proud of me. I'm running my first 1/2 marathon on Aug. 28 - Top of Utah. I've been working hard since January. Thanks for your encouragement : )
